Swedish law ensures that children are well protected and their rights are defended. ... Sweden was one of the first countries to sign up. 

As of 1 January 2020, Sweden has incorporated the UN Convention into Swedish law. 

Within our 3 C's Ethos of Care, Collaboration and Commitment; P.S.H.E, Global Citizenship Project and Student Council work we strengthen our student's knowledge and understating of the world and the rights that each individual has. 


Personal, Social and Health Education is an important aspect of a school curriculum. It is essential that our children are given information, guidance and support when learning about aspects of life in society as they grow. Our robust curriculum allows children to share, discuss and learn about topics that go under the following headings: 

Relationships, Health and Well-Being and Living in the Wider World. 

This work each week also supports our continued commitment to the rights of a child. To find out more about the Rights of  Child you can read this information pack. At Tanto we are committed to the safety, security and happiness of all our children.


We work proactively with regard to fair treatment. Our preventative work aims to ensure that all chidlren feel safe and secure at school and that they are free from abuse, harrasment, offence or discrimination. 

Here is our plan (2024/25)


All staff employed at The Tanto International School and The English Nursery are selected via safe recruitment strategy. The policy includes routines that support child protection and ensure that we recruit the best people for our children. 

We love working at Tanto and value each and every student and their familiy.