T.A.S.C's aim is to support children's development and learning both after school and during holidays. We work to ensure a positive social experience for all and support the norms and aims of Swedish society: equality, equal opportunities, respect for the environment and each other. Our staff plan and follow up work with our groups in a variety of ways to meet the needs and requirements of our specific group of students.
We offer a choice of activities to children after school which allows them to create their own learning pathways each and every week. The activities are displayed and documented for children and guardians to share and celebrate through our wonderful Twitter page.
Typically, we create opportunities, such as Cricket, Rugby, Chess, Animation, Swedish, Athletics, Art and Craft, Reading, Digital World as well as the more spontaneous moments for play and learning. We also make sure that our Personal, Social and Global goals from school are supported in the way we work.
Student Influence
In T.A.S.C, our children work together during games, learning and other social activities. The children have monthly meetings to share ideas with the staff so that they continually influence the opportunities we can offer them. Children take part in biannual Student Surveys and interviews to share their personal perspective of their time in T.A.S.C. This allows us to monitor satisfaction levels within the organisation and make any necessary adjustments. Children also take part in class and Student Council meetings during school time to discuss any ideas or issues they may have in their school life.
Each day students can choose from a range of activities and resources that are all readily available to them. Some favourites are building various objects from Magnatiles, painting with watercolours, drawing and mindful colouring, chess and board games. Table tennis is a big hit amongst all age-groups!
After our 15:00 snack, lots of our time is spent outside. However, we regularly create time to support homework, extend and enhance learning opportunities that teachers and children have shared with us from their school curriculum.
We also spend time on personal and social issues, arts and crafts and of course many of our children take part in the wide ranging activities that our clubs have to offer.
T.A.S.C. supports both Swedish and English language as well as mother tongue. We have bilingual staff who speak both languages (Eng and Swe) in each group so that children after school can spend their leisure time speaking whichever language they prefer. However, most children continue to use their chosen daily learning language of English. We support and encourage use of language including offering access to Polylino Skola ( a digital library of hundreds of books and many, many languages).
We aim to support our Swedish skills by offering an extra Swedish reading club to support those children who do not have Swedish at home or those who do but wish for more practice during the school day.
Who attends?
T.A.S.C. is designated for children of guardians who are working or studying. This enables families to drop their children off early in the morning before school starts at 08:30 and pick them up after compulsory schooling is finished at 15:00.
To find out more about applying for a place in T.A.S.C, please contact the school office.
Tel: 08-669 71 71
Here you can find some important information related to routines: